Barbara Defines: The Sacred Person

This relationship — True Self (soul, Child Within), Higher Self (Buddha Nature, Christ Consciousness, Atman, guardian angel, etc) and God, Goddess, The Universe, Higher Power — is such an important relationship that we can view it as being one person, which we can call the Sacred Person.

When we are in alignment, when we are our authentic True Self connected to our Higher Self and God, we are no longer a human being hoping for a Spiritual experience.  We are a Spiritual Being — a Soul living through a human body.  We may even experience the presence of God’s Divine Energy, which some call Holy Spirit, Chi, Ki, or Ruach Ha Kadosh. Each religion has a name for this Divine Energy.

Regardless of whether we are or are not religious, this Divine Energy is always with us, patiently waiting for us to realize Its presence. During births and during deaths, Its presence is easier to recognize if we are being our Sacred Person: our Soul connected to our Higher Self, which is then connected to God.  And, every time we need Divine Energy’s assistance, all we need do is ask.

My experiences have shown me time and again, this Divine Energy is always with us.  All we have to do is ask for help and get our ego out of the way so the Energy can come through and work through us.  Many others have told me that, even though they didn’t believe any of this, they had the intention to help someone else and were then surprised to realize “something” was working through them.
From The Natural Soul Barbara Harris Whitfield 2009


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